Combined with Ultimate Impostrip® and Ultimate Bindery®, the Ultimate Batcher® can make decisions and group jobs to maximise results. This tool is designed to help customised projects come to life and deliver imposition intelligence like no other. Ideal for customers wanting to extend the capabilities of their workflow with imposition and finishing intelligence.

Available for customised projects only, Ultimate Batcher is a standalone solution designed to work in tandem with Ultimate Impostrip®. It allows you to sort files based on imposition and finishing requirements to seamlessly optimise your workflow automation.

Key Features

Ultimate Batcher offers:

Dynamic job management tracking

Multicomponent management

Sort files for imposition

Integrates easily with your existing workflow via XML

Ideal with Ultimate Impostrip® Automation and Ultimate Impostrip® Scalable

Manage cover and content requirements

Apply imposition-related conditions

Job tracking and sorting

Optimised for high volume productivity

Easy HTML5 user interface

System specification



View the Ultimate Batcher brochure here