locr Partnership Creates New Distribution Channel in Australia and New Zealand

Company recruits industry expert Workflowz to expand the use of geomarketing services

Braunschweig, Germany—December 5, 2017—locr GmbH, (www.locr.com), a leading provider of geomarketing solutions, has formed a partnership with creative industry solutions provider Workflowz (www.workflowz.com). Under this agreement, Workflowz will add locr’s maps and GEOservices to the list of products and services it offers to customers in Australia and New Zealand.

For more than 25 years, Workflowz has combined research, design and technology to bring best-in-class pre-media software and integration to its clients. From its offices in the United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa, the Workflowz team distributes and supports a wide range of technology, including Enfocus, CHILI publish and XMPie.

“Marketers around the globe use locr maps and GEOservices to improve the impact and effectiveness of their marketing campaigns,” said Tony Hodgson, head of sales and marketing for locr. “With its industry expertise, geographical presence and dedication to our clients’ success, Workflowz is the ideal partner to now bring these services to Australia and New Zealand. We look forward to collaborating with Workflowz and to bringing the power of locr services to print and marketing providers in the region.”

The Power of Geomarketing

“At Workflowz, we provide solutions that enable providers to balance efficiency and creativity,” said Alan Dixon, CEO/managing director of Workflowz. “These solutions must be able to help providers be more effective in their operations while still enabling a level of creativity to meet clients’ demands. That’s why we are excited to be selling locr’s solutions. These geomarketing services are proven to improve the relevancy, engagement and response rates of the direct-mail campaigns, print and marketing services providers create for their clients.”

The geomarketing services offered by locr include the following:


With locr GEOservices, marketers are able to target their mailing lists so that they reach prospects closest to their clients’ locations. This saves time and money on postage and production and enables marketers to better focus both the message of their campaigns by providing real-time and distance information to the recipient. Customers can actually see the amount of time it will take them to arrive at a business.

Personalised Maps

Personalised maps from locr give providers a way to include a highly personalised graphic element in their printed direct-mail campaigns. These maps show the actual routes customers would take from their homes to the office or to the location of a business or an event.

“We all know the challenges of creating engaging marketing campaigns that stand out, whilst making effective use of data. However, many marketing service providers struggle with putting both of these elements together, Dixon added. “Visualising customer data into something more familiar and useable like personalised maps and directions make it a far more compelling part of a marketing campaign. Moreover, the ability to style the look and feel of these elements is essential when working with local and global brands. Workflowz holistic approach to providing the very best solutions to our customers means that they can count on us for the very best solutions, even if when they don’t know it exists.”

To learn more about locr’s range of services, contact us at info@locr.com, or visit our website at locr.com. More details on Workflowz can be found at workflowz.com/locr

About locr GmbH

locr is the world’s leading provider of geomarketing solutions that let marketers use location to their advantage. locr takes data from leading geo-data suppliers and converts it into geo-information services and personalised maps that can be used by marketers to enhance their mailing lists, create higher engagement and achieve better response rates.

For more information, visit www.locr.com and follow us on www.twitter.com/locrmaps and www.linkedin.com/company/locr-maps.

About Workflowz

Workflowz is a distributor and integrator of leading-edge software products in the graphic arts market. We have an enviable product portfolio and offer associated professional services such as training, project management and support to enable our customers to get the very best from their investment.

We have a proven track record of taking embryonic technologies and bringing them to market so they become the de-facto standards. We are independent and therefore agile about adopting new products and services. This has resulted in us building and maintaining a strong position in the market, with an active and continually expanding list of clients. Our can-do attitude combined with our candid advice, trust, integrity and openness ensures we have a formidable stature in the sector.

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