Enfocus BoardingPass New Features

The new Enfocus BoardingPass is here…and it’s good!

Are you frustrated waiting on others to provide usable files for printing? Are simple tasks taking too long? If realising what you’ve been supplied with isn’t up to standard and the process of rectifying it is slowing down your processes…

You can now

  • Instantly see where file errors occur
  • Customise bleed settings
  • Search for 12 different colour spaces
  • Reveal trim box sizes and bleed margins
  • Identify font problems
  • Drag and drop files directly from an email or file transfer tool such as WeTransfer
  • Plus…there is no need for Adobe Acrobat

Enfocus BoardingPass allows customer-facing staff to instantly validate PDF files for print in minutes, without having to wait for technical colleagues in Pre-press. Basically, it automatically checks a file is fit for purpose and does all that work for you.

It eliminates the need for multiple links in the communication chain spanning multiple departments, providing the option to quickly respond to customers with a detailed list of document errors.

But there’s more

  • It speeds up processes, creating an email so you can instantly respond to customers
  • It negates the need for technical team members to assess files
  • It can be integrated with the input queue for Switch downstream to speed up automated processing
  • Plus, it offers in-App messaging (coming soon)

Need even more info?

No problem, you can check out this video for all the features and benefits of Enfocus BoardingPass:


You can now be one of the first to get your hands on all these awesome features from as little as £15 a month.*



*with a year’s subscription

Get in touch with our team to find out more today