
Why invest in Web to Print?

In the recent UK BPIF Q1 2020 report, the shocking statistics reveal that 53% of the surveyed printers* actually generate zero, yes zero, revenue from web to print.

Does this mean printers are not adequately utilising the attributes web2print offers, or are just falling behind with the speed the industry is progressing at? As a printer, engaging with the changing world of web2print could mean the difference between a successful turnover for the coming quarter, or facing the tragic route of so many others in the field over the last year.

Why invest in Web to Print?…

Despite what you may believe, having a web2print platform is not essential, but it does offer many favourable attributes. We discuss what the benefits are and why invest in web2print?

With the world being bombarded with one natural disaster after another, forcing many businesses to close, having the opportunity to provide a continuity of service and earn money 24/7, is one which none of us can afford to turn down.

Whilst there is no fully automated, non-human involved system which will magically enhance your business, by utilising a web2print platform with minimal maintenance and updates, you could see improvements in your current processes. There is also the added bonus of providing customers with the ability to interact with your business, even when you are not there to oversee it.

As a tool most commonly used for dynamic publishing and being an important part of the pre-press process for print suppliers, it is key for personalisation and brand management. Whether using it for its design capabilities with a range of B2B and B2C opportunities, or the creation of totally bespoke and branded marketing material, a web2print platform offers more than you might think.

How to utilise Web to Print

Adapting to the demands of the public with the millennial requirement of needing things now, (or yesterday,) is calling for printers to make the most of document editing tools, speed up pre-flighting processes and make light work of even the most ambitious document editing tasks.

Technology should be an enabler not an inhibitor, so enabling your business to be reactive to the needs of the customer is essential. With a web2print platform you can produce real time visualisations, allowing the customer to actually see the finished article. This reduces the element of surprise and the all too familiar ‘that’s not quite what I had in mind.’ After all time is money. Reducing the risk of unnecessary re-dos and costly man hours, allows your business to be more productive, take on multiple jobs at the same time and produce an effective mock-up for customers.

An effective web2print solution allows customers to upload their own artwork, make their own customisations or gives you the ability to add certain parameters, only allowing alterations within agreed brand guidelines.

These amazing features, create a seamless interaction between client and design team, allowing your business to function whether you are physically there to run it or not.

What to do now…

Don’t let your business suffer in the current climate, give it the best chance of survival by offering business continuity and instil a sense of confidence in customers that you are on hand. Even if you are not able  print and physically supply orders, queuing up, preparing, pre-flighting and signing off can still be done with an effective web2print platform.

Printers need to be able to reduce their margins in order to be competitive and survive in an ever-changing market, so if you are keen on:

  • Investing in software which stores your printing templates ready to modify, upload and edit easily.
  • Creating and approving print-ready proofs quickly.
  • Build in approvals paths and pricing to reduce the risk of human error and streamline processes.
  • Creating a recognisable and easily replicable branded merchandise.

Get in touch to find out how the web2print solutions we offer could help your business. We have already successfully worked with many companies around the globe to improve their processes.



*BPIF surveys primarily its own members for studies.

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