
Get personal at your education establishment

education, campus, friendship and people concept - group of happy teenage students with school folders

Extend your reach and send meaningful communication to students

Offering a personal experience, is more important now than ever. Send students personalised and specific messaging relevant to their chosen courses and offer a smooth introduction to their education, whether they are studying on-site or virtually.

The first touch points are engaging printed pieces – posters and flyers – with a call to action for prospective students to request more information about the university.When the individual scans the QR code or enters the URL into their web browser they are directed to a General URL (GURL) landing page to enter their information, discipline and areas of interest. Upon entering information, the student will receive a Personalized URL (PURL) with a link to a PDF document that is tailored to their request.

When the prospective student opens the PDF document they will find all of the specific information they requested from the university. The circled items below represent the variable items that have been personalised or customised to the recipient based on their responses to the questions on the form.

The prospective student now has all the information they need at their fingertips. Additionally, the personalised brochure contains a unique link for the prospect to apply directly online, making it convenient and easy for interested students to take the next step.

Get personal

Keeping in  contact with students whilst they are studying is essential with some students studying remotely, without the opportunity to have visited campus.

Using branded templates provides this control and the reassurance of seamless collaboration across all teams and departments, regardless of skill set.

A simple online solution enables staff to work anytime, anywhere and ensures everyone always has access to the latest image version and messaging.

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Are you aware of how technology can help to market your establishment? If you would like to find out how you could simply put new processes in place and improve how you talk to students and external parties, please get in touch.


Images taken from XMPie Cross Media Marketing blog

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