
Enfocus release PitStop Pro and PitStop Server 2019 Update 1

Enfocus announces the hot new release of PitStop Pro and PitStop Server 2019 Update 1


This minor update is primarily a bug fix release and is free to any PitStop user with a PitStop 2019 license, the most remarkable new feature being support for macOS 10.15 Catalina.

This new operating system has some major changes, the most notable of which is that it does not support any 32-bit applications. We would urge all users to proceed with caution when thinking of upgrading to this new operating system and check all necessary applications will work.


Several things to note

PitStop Pro does not currently support the new Sidecar functionality in macOS 10.15 and also does not support Dark Mode or the Adobe Acrobat Dark Theme – we are aiming to support this in PitStop 2020.


When installing Workgroup Manager on macOS 10.15, please note there are some new manual procedures. This is due to new security features in Catalina which mean we cannot install certain attributes within the install process.


PitStop Server has received some particular attention during this release and there are some improvements under the hood that will improve stability.


This update is recommended to all PitStop Server users.