
Elpical: today version 9.5 of our Claro automatic image enhancement solution is released

Today Elpical are launching version 9.5 of our Claro automatic image enhancement solution, offering our customers even better, consistent, high quality results for their print editions as well as their electronic publications.

Feature Highlights

Improved skin-tone recognition and correction

Elpical Claro features the ability to perform specific corrections on skin-tones. Through better facial recognition skin-tone corrections have become even more accurate. Better controls lead to a higher degree of adjustability to local tonal preferences.

Local contrast for mid-tones and highlights: improve contrast and highlight detail

Claro’s local contrast function allows for greater contrast and detail in shadow areas of photos. In this new version Claro offers additional functions to control contrast and details in the mid-tone to highlight range. Together, the local contrast controls allow for pictures with high contrast in combination with excellent shadow and highlight details. A result that could otherwise be achieved only by manual editing and masking.

10% performance boost

Due to additional and more complex calculations, an increase in image quality tends to lead to longer processing times. As Elpical takes the performance requirements very seriously, further optimization leads to a 10% reduction in processing time.

Increased workflow control

With Photoshop Inspector, Claro offers a seamless integration with Adobe Photoshop. The Inspector allows for inspection, manual editing and approval of enhanced images in Photoshop without taking the picture out of the workflow. In v9.5, Claro adds the possibility to set the status of images to “in progress” allowing operators to finish the job at a later point in time. The Inspector queue has been extended with various sorting options for easier access to those files requiring immediate attention.