
CHILI Publish brings a Smile to CrossMedia 2013

CHILI Publish have added the ability to incorporate personalised images generated on the DirectSmile Image Server within their market leading web2print document editing engine.

DirectSmile is the manufacturer of the DirectSmile Image Server, and the software allows you to create and personalise images that can be used in different on or offline applications. Via the new Dynamic Assets Providers component, a connection can be made to a DirectSmile Image Server.

The integration is offered via the “DirectSmile StreamImage Interface”.

This will build a URL that holds the necessary information to request the personalised Image from the DirectSmile Server.

Coincidentally both CHILI Publish and DirectSmile are neighbours at Cross Media 2013 this week, where you can discover more information.

This feature was included in the interim update from CHILI Publish prior to the major enhancements of CHILI Publisher 4.0, the next generation of CHILI Publish’s powerful online editing solution due to be released on the 12 December 2013 and adds significant value to existing users and new prospects.